A vehicle tracking system(VTS) is an electronic device installed in a vehicle to
enable the owner or a third party to track the vehicle's location through GPS/GPRS
and it is the most effective way to protect your vehicle( CAR, BUS, TRUCK, TAXI,
BIKES) from thieves and it can even reduce your insurance
Tracking Benefits: Become a
green fleet - reducing fuel consumption by an average of 5%. Lower
fuel costs - reduce fuel costs by 13%. Reduction
in labor costs - saves costs employee annually. Increase
productivity and profits - 25% increase in work orders completed. Improve
customer service – Tracking vehicles with a GPS fleet management system allows
companies to perform better for their customers. Device functionality alerts (coverage
& battery life). Enhanced
safety and security – Our GPS fleet vehicle tracking system allows users to
track unsafe driving and personal use of fleet vehicles. Better
fleet supervision – GPS vehicle tracking allows managers to keep better control
of their drivers’ activities.
1. GPS With Fuel Tracker
Most modern vehicle tracking systems use Global Positioning Systems (GPS) modules
for accurate location of the vehicle. Many systems also combine a communications
component such as cellular or satellite transmitters to communicate the vehicle’s
location to a remote user.GPS fuel tracker will provide more advance features in
addition to normal GPS tracker.
Features List : -
time Monitoring by Internet or Mobile Phone Auto
Track: Sends alerts at set interval time Geo-Fence:
Sends alert if moves out of the restricted area Speeding
Alarm: Sends alert if moves faster than set up speed Low
Battery Alert* SOS Emergency Alarm: Sends alerts in any emergency situation Stop
& Restart by SMS command Auto
Location Report Internal
Battery Back Up. History
watching facility of your vehicle Facility
to track your vehicle on Google Map Two
way Listen & Record the conversation going in your vehicle Fuel
Consumption Reports Non-Signal
Alarm: Sends alerts when enters into the blind area 3 Other
Sensor (A.C., Motion Etc.)
Economical day to day tracking of a vehicle, micro tracker is the best solution
for your growing business. It doesn’t include complex features of fuel tracker
solutions, but provide a smarter tracking solution.
Feature List : - Real time Monitoring by Internet or Mobile
Phone Auto Track: Sends alerts at set interval
time Geo-Fence: Sends alert if moves out of
the restricted area Speeding Alarm: Sends alert if moves
faster than set up speed Low Battery Alert SOS Emergency Alarm: Sends alerts in
any emergency situation Stop & Restart by SMS command Auto Location Report Internal Battery Back Up. History watching facility of your vehicle Facility to track your vehicle on Google